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Software and consulting services from data integration to ready-to-use BI applications.

Business intelligence is successful when you can easily draw the right conclusions from data. From over 25 years of ex­pe­rien­ce, we know what obstacles there are and how to over­come them. We know how to solve difficult issues and are fa­miliar with all areas of the business.
Bissantz offers standardized solutions for analysis, planning and reporting that can be adapted to the individual re­quire­ments of all industries. We support you in every phase of the project, from setting up your data ware­house to the full service operation of your BI applications.
Bissantz software has all the components you need to implement effici­ent­ and convenient planning processes. Among other things, our planning solutions support you with the autho­riza­tion concept, the design of your plan­ning work­flows and data input.

Bissantz software shows deviations and control information in reporting faster and clearer than ever before. Our inter­active report formats with universal stan­dards make action signals easy to un­der­stand and unambiguous – on desktop and smartphones.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

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Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

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